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Tim Palmer

Tim Palmer 


English Language and Writing Instructor/Private Tutor


Timothy Palmer has been instrumental in the building of the BDC website. He is an exceptional professional and human being. He is an amazing professional dedicated to helping people like me thrive in the professional field in which English is crucial. He understands the struggles of many second language professionals in this country. He puts all of his energy and dedication in guiding them on the journey of bettering their communication using the English language. Contact him if you need his assistance. Click on his website!


Johana Lopez

Program Manager

Johana is my best friend and has supported me with my dream of the creation of BDC International. Johana is passionate about social change and shares her compassionate, loving support.

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Michael J Stacey

Oligonucleotide chemist 

Michael is my son! He is a young scientist who is enthusiastic and supportive of social change. He provides wonderful social media and video support and volunteers for social causes at BDC International. At this moment, he is working hard on the frontlines for COVID 19 support. I thank him so much for his love and his help.

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Anthony Nguyen

District Director at the office of Congressman Scott Peters

San Diego 
Anthony is my best friend, and I have known him for nearly ten years. Anthony and I served together at the United Nations Association of San Diego in 2007. We have done numerous humanitarian and community service projects together. Our passions include supporting causes on human trafficking along with refugee and migrant issues.

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